
SHARECITY scenarios


3 different future scenarios for urban food sharing: Desirable, Business as usual and Technical fix.

As part of their work examining the future of food sharing governance, SHARECITY held two workshops and a flash fiction writing competition with transition year students (aged 15-16) at a local school. SHARECITY has been working with us to create visualisations of three different future scenarios for urban food sharing: Desirable, Business as usual and Technical fix, that were formulated using a three horizons approach and data from empirical work internationally and the sharing futures workshop held in 2019.
Read more about the fiction writing competition here.


SHARECITY is an ERC project led by prof. Anna Davies and hosted by Trinity College Dublin.

The SHARECITY project uses innovative social science and collaborative research methods to explore the practices and sustainability potential of food sharing within cities. The project runs until July 2021 and involves a team of international researchers and a high-level advisory panel of global experts committed to exploring novel pathways for more sustainable futures. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 646883).

Louise Fitzgerald
Postdoctoral Researcher at TCD


SHARECITY scenarios

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